Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We are moving to our new house - Nous demenagons!

Today we are moving to our new house....
This morning I was quite lazy and got so overwhelm that I stay a little longer in bed...my last night here so I must make the best of it.
My uncles and our friends came to help my family to move the furniture but as I am little and every was stepping on me they put me in a box....Please don't forget about me....I am ready to go

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My mommy's cake

My mommy's cake
it looks good don't you think??? Ca l'air bon...


I give kisses to the guests. On s'embrasse

Me and Ola

Me and Ola
I look very good in this picture! Je suis super sur cette photo.

pillow fights

pillow fights
I entertain the guests by playing with them. Je joue avec les invitees.